Critically comment on the performance of NAPCC.

NAPCC was adopted in 2008 by Indian govt. to frame a comprehensive policy framework to deal with climate change. It has 8 mission plans like Green India mission, Solar Energy Mission, Energy Efficiency and others.

  1. Though it represents a significant step forward, many believe that it is insufficient and lacking in vision and real measurable targets. The NAPCC just takes the Govt. existing national plans for water, solar, agriculture etc. with few new ones. But it does not formulate a well thought strategy for low carbon pathway for India.
  2. NAPCC does not suggest a long term agenda. Integration among missions is lacking. Segregation into missions has led to viewing the problems and solutions with sector specific lenses.
  3. NAPCC lays blame on developed countries without taking enough ownership for the problems. It has lack of clear targets and timelines for the actions thereby showing a lack of seriousness in the govt. commitment to dealing with climate change. The only target is vague like India’s per capita emissions will not surpass those of developed world.
  4. The focus is on afforestation but not on the forest conservation. The Government has not clearly stated how it will finance the plan, it does not talk of any concrete financial mechanisms nor does it set out a budgetary allocation process.

Keeping the multi-dimensionality of climate impacts in the view, India should adopt an approach that is interdisciplinary in its character, breaks traditional ministerial boundaries, and learns rapidly from the effects of warming and our successes and failures in dealing with them. Further, India should set more clear vision and targets for these missions.